Project information

Children's Home Visit

The visit offered a firsthand glimpse into the transformative impact of She Africa's support on these bright spirits. Engaging in joyful activities, sharing empowering stories, and fostering a sense of belonging, She Africa witnessed the blossoming potential within each girl. Amani Children's Home serves as a beacon of hope, fostering the growth of these young minds, empowering them to overcome challenges, and instilling a profound belief in their limitless potential. This visit exemplified the power of collective efforts in nurturing and empowering the next generation of resilient, confident, and promising young women.

Project information

  • Education Initiative:
  • Partnersorganizations, institutions, and individuals who share a commitment to girls' education and empowerment
  • Project date: 01 january, 2023
  • Project URL:

EmpowerHER Education Initiative

The EmpowerHER Education Initiative by She Africa is a comprehensive educational project designed to empower girls and young women across the continent through quality education, skill development, and mentorship programs. This initiative aims to break down barriers to education, foster lifelong learning, and equip participants with the tools they need to thrive in various spheres of life.

Project information

  • Health and Wellness Initiative:
  • Partners local and international healthcare organizations
  • Project date: 01 April, 2021
  • Project URL:


She Africa's "SheWell" initiative is a comprehensive health and wellness project designed to prioritize and enhance the well-being of women across the continent. With a focus on physical, mental, and reproductive health, this initiative aims to break down health-related barriers, provide essential healthcare services, and empower women to make informed decisions about their well-being. Through this initiative, She Africa aims to create lasting positive change in the health landscape for women across the continent.

Project information

  • Entrepreneurship and Skill Development:
  • Partners banks or microfinance organizations, Ministry of Women's Affairs or Gender Equality Department
  • Project date: 01 April, 2021
  • Project URL:


Through strategic partnerships and targeted programs, numerous women have successfully launched their businesses, contributing to economic growth and community development. SheVenture's impact is evident in the tangible success stories of women who have overcome barriers, gained financial independence, and created sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their communities. By providing mentorship, training, and access to resources, She Africa continues to empower women to unlock their entrepreneurial potential, fostering a legacy of self-reliance and economic empowerment.

Project information

  • Environmental Sustainability Programs:
  • partners local and international environmental organizations
  • Project date: 01 April, 2021
  • Project URL:


Through tree planting campaigns, waste reduction initiatives, and community education programs, GreenSheAfrica has successfully planted thousands of trees, reduced carbon footprints, and instilled a sense of environmental consciousness in local communities. Notable achievements include the establishment of eco-friendly practices in urban centers, the introduction of sustainable agriculture techniques, and the successful implementation of recycling programs. GreenSheAfrica stands as a beacon for sustainable development, fostering a harmonious relationship between communities and the environment, and setting the stage for a greener, more sustainable future for Africa.

Project information

  • Crisis Response and Relief Initiative:
  • partners Redcross
  • Project date: 01 April, 2021
  • Project URL:


"HopeRise" embodies She Africa's commitment to providing support and relief during times of crisis. As part of this initiative, She Africa mobilizes resources and volunteers to deliver aid to communities facing adversity. Whether it's natural disasters, conflicts, or humanitarian crises, HopeRise stands as a beacon of hope, offering assistance and solidarity to those in need. Through HopeRise, She Africa aims to uplift and empower communities, demonstrating the transformative power of collective action in times of adversity.

Project information

  • Community Development Achievement:
  • partners Women's Support Group,Youth Empowerment Network
  • Project date: 01 April, 2021
  • Project URL:


the SheRise community development initiative has empowered the residents of Amani Village to break the cycle of poverty, improve their quality of life, and build a resilient and sustainable community. The success of Amani Village serves as a testament to the transformative impact of She Africa's commitment to holistic community development.

Project information

  • Digital Inclusion Initiative:
  • Partners TechnoServe,Microsoft, Google
  • Project date: 01 April, 2021
  • Project URL:

Digital Sisters

Through tailored programs and workshops specifically designed to meet the needs of women in underserved areas, She Africa has successfully empowered countless women with essential digital skills. These skills include basic computer proficiency, internet navigation, online safety, and digital entrepreneurship. As a result, women who previously had limited or no access to digital tools are now equipped to navigate the digital landscape with confidence. This achievement has not only opened up new opportunities for economic empowerment and employment but has also enhanced women's participation in decision-making processes and social activities within their communities. She Africa's commitment to bridging the digital gender gap has proven instrumental in promoting gender equality and fostering women's empowerment across marginalized communities in Africa.

Project information

  • Collaborations with NGOs and Partners :
  • Partners Youth Empowerment Network,Google,Save the Children
  • Project date: 01 April, 2021
  • Project URL:

Collaborations with NGOs and Partners

Through strategic partnerships with local and international NGOs, governmental agencies, and corporate entities, She Africa has been able to amplify its efforts and reach a broader audience. Achievements include the successful implementation of community development projects such as educational initiatives, health and wellness programs, entrepreneurship training, and environmental sustainability projects. These collaborations have facilitated the mobilization of resources, expertise, and support networks necessary to address complex social challenges effectively. By leveraging the strengths of diverse partners, She Africa has made substantial strides in improving livelihoods, fostering inclusive growth, and creating lasting positive change in communities across Africa.